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  • by Suzan
  • October 7, 2019

Empty our Canvas

By Suzan Fields 9-27-2019

Everyone has a canvas…. our canvas paints a picture of our daily walk… if we’re honest, everyone’s canvas has stains, and are tattered and torn and have have paintings of all sorts… some are stained with fear, pain, suffering, grief, lust, sadness, lies, deception, dishonesty, etc… from our yesterdays…  which spills into our daily lives, our relationships, our parenting, our every step in our daily walk. It causes us to repeat past mistakes, causes us to fear, causes us to distrust, causes us to think the worst…. rather than trusting and allowing ourselves a life to the fullest with God. Thankfully God is greater than all of those things… He has the ability to remove the stains, repair the rips, remove the markings… we just have to reach out and ask Him to wipe our canvas clean… and to show us what within us is not pleasing to Him and to help us walk in a way that will Honor Him. We need to do this and then trust Him to lead us… rather than trying to do it on our own and picking those things back up. You see, He forgives us and gives us a clean canvas… yet He also gives us the freedom to make our own decisions in our daily walk. Are we going to mess up? Absolutely. Are we going to stumble and make mistakes? Of course. But if you truly desire a canvas that has a much more beautiful story to tell…. we must seek Him to guide us… take what you learned from yesterday’s canvas… and use it to paint a better today and tomorrow. 

Dear Lord,

I come to you today to Thank You for bringing Jory into my life… which in turn has helped bring back my desire to write again. I know it is your desire for me to use my words to help others, and it is my desire to do so. 

Father, I ask that you touch both of our hearts… I ask that you remove anything that is not pleasing to you… help our hearts to become more like you. I don’t know what your plans are for us, but I ask that whatever that may be that you help us to be everything that you need us to be for each other… whether just friends or much more… use us and strengthen us in ways to help lead others to you. I will be trusting and accepting of your Will. I ask that you make in us an empty canvas for you to paint whatever story you desire for us. I am trusting and know that painted and lead by you it will be a Beautiful one. Thank you so very much. In Jesus Holy name, Amen.