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Suzan Fields

Founder and CEO

Hi, my name is Suzan! I’m so glad you stopped by this website. I hope that something you may read throughout this site Blesses or encourages you in some way.

I am Blessed to be the Mother of three amazing boys, Nick, Denim and Diesel… and Mimi to a beautiful granddaughter, Olivia… and a soon to be mother-in-law to a beautiful young woman, Cheyenne and Mimi to another beautiful granddaughter, Rayli. 

I love photography and taking pictures, especially of my boys playing sports and of sunrises & sunsets… really anything that attempts to capture Gods great gifts that are often taken for granted in this busy world.

I love writing. I always write from my heart and try to express whatever has been placed on it. My hope is that I could at least touch the life of someone that may need to hear what was placed on my heart.

My Mother (Mum) use to tell me that I had the most beautiful heart she had ever known. She asked me to promise that I would never let anything or anyone in this world ever cause that to change. I will carry that promise I made her to my grave.

I am originally from Ranger, Texas… born and raised. When I was born my Dad (Pops) called me Bitty Baby… the name Bitty stayed with me throughout my life… I even went by and was known as Bitty all throughout my school years. I have been out in the DFW area for over 25 years now. I built a house on some acreage behind my parents in 2005. My parents were my rock, my world other than my children. In 2009 my Mum was diagnosed with dementia. From that moment on we lost bits and pieces of her along the way. It’s a very cruel disease. She was the strongest woman I have ever known. They owned roughly 50 acres… she would get out there on her tractor and cut and bail hay. We would always tell her not to work herself so hard… she would say she was earning her keep. 😊 She was old fashioned and spoiled my Pops for sure. But after she started getting much worse with the dementia the tables turned. I was really proud of my Pops for stepping up to the plate and taking care of her the way he did. He of course had to learn how to cook, clean and do laundry, because Mum had always taken care of that stuff. But he did it like a champ. My Pops had a heart attack and triple bypass in 1995. He was a tough old goat and he didn’t let it slow him down. He was a heavy equipment/diesel mechanic and around 2010 he had started running trucks in the frac sand business. He had a stroke July 3, 2011 and I started running his trucks for him. In January 2012 he was doing better and decided to sell his trucks… I bought my favorite one that he had… and that was the beginning of my trucking business… FRAC N A. On July 3, 2013 Pops had another stroke. This time he never made it back home. He passed away 35 days later… which was on August 7, 2013… twenty days later my Mum passed away which was on August 27, 2013. They were amazing and were both always looking out for each other. They will forever be missed. 

My hope is that HereAfter Thoughts will be a legacy that will be carried on in a way that will honor God and my amazing parents along the way.

“For surely there is a hereafter, And your hope will not be cut off.” Proverbs‬ ‭23:18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬